"How do we maximize that time and how do we create revenue when we are not working. When we do work, let’s just say we are an employee, our maximum income is based on how much time we put into that job. There is a value that you’re putting on it that is taking away from other things in your life, like family and recreation, but if you can create a job, you can create an industry that is making money when you’re sleeping, your time becomes more valuable." - Scott Krone
In 2012, Krone founded Coda Management Group – a firm who specializes in managing real estate assets. Since its inception, Coda manages a wide range of real estate including single and multi-family homes, retail, commercial warehouse and self-storage and multi-use flex athletic spaces. Currently, the platform of investments is in excess of $55 million.
Visit: https://www.codamg.com/