Money Talkers

It Was an Epic Fail - High Impact Interview with Henry Daas

Episode Summary

When Henry's niece and nephews were in high school, he wanted to teach them what he knew wasn't taught in high school: financial literacy. But what he didn't expect was for it to be an epic failure. He was honest in this episode with his successes and failures on his path to teaching kids. Since then, he took what he learned and wrote a 428 page book called FQ: Financial Intelligence. To connect with Henry, you can get a very special promotion he is offering for people who listen to this podcast. Visit He is offering one free month of business coaching or money coaching. He really wants to help entrepreneurs during this pandemic by offering his services to help them grow their finances and stay stable in their businesses.

Episode Notes

The Money Talkers Podcast is a financial literacy and entrepreneurial podcast available on apple podcast, and podcast on Spotify. The Money Talkers Podcast is a great podcast how to start or how-to in becoming financially literate, making money decisions. The Money Talkers podcast isn't a podcast Ben Shapiro, or a podcast true crime, or podcast serial, it doesn't have podcast Joe Rogan or Dave Ramsey, but it is a free podcast with out podcast Brene Brown. The Money Talkers Podcast is the best podcast for ages 5-105. 


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