After 35 years of working a 9-5 job, and a couple false retirements, she needed some help with “getting retired” but there isn't much available besides financial advice. Since retirement is generally thought to occur in our golden years, Jacquie is paving the way for future generations with her Freedom Blueprint, a custom-designed plan suited to your specific situation. In addition to the blueprint, Jacquie has a podcast and a blog dedicated to getting out of the Rat Race, in the hope of attracting more people with the idea that there is life BEYOND retirement and you don't have to wait till your "golden years" to get started!
Today I'm joined by Jacquie Doucette, the founder of Beyond Retirement - Your Journey to Freedom, which teaches people how to create success and gain fulfillment with a life that needs no retirement plan. Her Freedom Blueprint is used by clients in their plan to get out of the 9-5 workforce.