Money Talkers

Budgeting with Core Values in Mind - High Impact Interview with Dan Harrison

Episode Summary

In this high impact interview, our guest Dan Harrison touches on creating budgets around core values to create a well rounded positive relationship with money. Dan Harrison is the co-founder of Sogo, Creator of A course in conscious wealth, business coach for the intuitive entrepreneurs and has worked with over 1,500 individuals and couples to help them transform their relationship with money and build online businesses. Dan works remotely from Kelowna BC and spends most of his spare time either hanging out with his wife and daughter, learning guitar and playing hockey.

Episode Notes

The Money Talkers Podcast High Impact Series is a short interview that has actionable steps to help parents with a weekly topic to discuss with their kids. The ONE BIG question is designed to draw out what our guests wish someone would have taught them that learned later in life prior to their big successful breakthrough. Take the earbuds out, turn speakers down, and have weekly money talks with your kids so you can open the lifelong relationship of talking about money with them.