Money Talkers

Breaking the Cycle - Full Interview with Brandon Garrett

Episode Summary

Brandon Garrett highlights how he broke out of the corporate life to build something of his own. In this full interview, we walk through the ups and the downs of corporate life.

Episode Notes

I cut my teeth in Fortune 200 corporate environments where I consistently delivered profitable growth in numerous highly competitive markets. In industries such as retail, manufacturing, pharmacy, insurance, and others, I have grown millions of dollars in sales, improved employee and customer retention, lowered operating costs, and enhanced the brand. Not only do I understand the importance of connecting the right customer, with the right product or service, at the right time, but I can develop and execute the ‘how to’ required to achieve it.


Now over 15 years later, as an entrepreneur and business owner of multiple businesses, I blend my corporate knowledge and experience with my closing skills to bring immense value that inspires others to take the action needed to create the life of their dreams. What would you be willing to do for yourself & your team to achieve your biggest goals and change the lives of your team and countless lives of customers? What would achieving that goal be like for you?