Money Talkers

Boss Mom - Amazon FBA Full Interview with Athena Severi

Episode Summary

From employee to boss in a matter of months, Athena Severi known know as the "Goddess of Networking" is sharing all things business, entrepreneurship, Amazon FBA, balancing parenthood with working at home, and so much more. Athena Severi is a key person to know in the e-commerce space. Her passion for helping entrepreneurs connect and create synergistic relationships brings new meaning to the popular phrase, “It’s not what you know, it’s WHO you know.” She is a global networking and relationship building expert with over 15 years of experience traveling the world, building high-level communities, planning life-changing events, and creating unique mastermind groups to help entrepreneurs from around the world connect and achieve their goals personally and professionally. She is the Founder of China Magic, Co-Founder of Seller Events and Titan Network.

Episode Notes