Money Talkers

$200k PAID in 5 Years: The First Money Argument - Interview with Julien and Kierstan Saunders

Episode Summary

Julien and Kiersten Saunders (SUCCESS Magazine Money Editors): This powerhouse couple runs the award-winning blog rich & REGULAR and has authored a forthcoming book. After their first argument about money in 2012, the couple knew there had to be a better way to tackle difficult conversations about money with each other as well as with their friends and family. Over the next five years, they paid off $200,000 in debt, dramatically boosted their net worth, and learned a lifetime of lessons along the way. They've used their experience to create a community of like-minded people with a clear mission: to inspire better conversations about money in order to achieve financial success. In today's episode, they're sharing about their financial journey and the ways they are sharing their wisdom with their next generation. Connect with them on social media under RichAndRegular, their website, and on YouTube with Rich and Regular.